Martinez - Playstation 4 Repair

Repairs (Partially) Completed


Hello Juan,

PS4 Cleanings, Analog Drift Repairs, and Data Transfers were successful. I found a serial code for your faulty external harddrive, and it has expired about a year ago - they tend to have 2-year warranties, which makes me believe the harddrive was around 3 years old at failure.

The Nintendo Switch controller would need special parts ordered in, and this would adjust our pricing. I don’t think that the repair would be worth the cost, and it may be best to look into purchasing a new replacement for this controller. Feel free to watch the video for details.

$105 total will be due for the completed repairs.

I will need some time to find parts for the Nintendo Switch controller, and would need to order them in. I think it would cost around $60 and I would need around another 2-weeks to repair it. Let me know what you are thinking. We can also cancel the repair, and you can receive the controller back for its diagnostic cost ($15). You can also choose to abandon the controller, and I would keep it for parts to help the next person out who brings one in to me… Let me know what you would like to do.

Old Communications

Hello Juan, hope you are well!

Diagnostics are completed, and here is a summary of issues that were found:

  • External Harddrive has tested as a failed harddrive

  • Thermal Paste is dry / system needs a light internal cleaning

  • Playstation 4 Controller RS x-axis is compromised

  • Nintendo Switch RS x-axis and y-axis is compromised

  • Nintendo Switch ACR button is compromised

Please review the following estimates for repairs:

Total cost of all repairs would be $125. I am only charging half of what I typically charge for cleaning the PS4 as it is already quite clean. Successful controller repairs would be full price. Unsuccessful controller repairs would be $15 should you choose to have them returned to you in the event of an unsuccessful repair. PS4 controller has a high likelihood of success. Nintendo Switch controller has a moderate likelihood of success.