Francisco Vega

Nintendo Switch Docking Repair (Completed)

- Final Assessment -


Hello Francisco, this was a challenging repair - many measurements were taken, and it was difficult to isolate problems since your system actually worked quite well aside from not being able to dock. Thanks for your patience.

I replaced the P13USB chip on your motherboard and this solved all issues.

Console is ready for pickup and $150 will be due in cash - unfortunately, I am not able to take card transactions in person as my card reader is down.

Thanks for your business!

- Diagnostic -


Hello Francisco, Nintendo Switch appears perfectly healthy outside of the noted issue with being able to dock and display an output. I believe I have narrowed the problem down to a chip on the motherboard - sometimes, these types of repairs require replacing multiple chips to be successful. The chip in question is one of the more difficult to replace, and there is higher risk in working on this system than most for repair. We can cancel if you would like to ensure the system stays safe as a handheld system, or, we can attempt to replace this chip for you.

Please review the below video and quote for repair and let me know if you would like to proceed.